
DOWNLOAD the presentation “PDF Solutions for Semi Manufacturing Integration”

Sapience Manufacturing HUB (SMH) is a configurable Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) platform that is used to connect any data source, application, device, or tool regardless of location or operating platform through a flexible, easy-to-use no code, low code, interface to transfer data or information between manufacturing, external services, databases, and applications in real-time to enable the digital transformation of manufacturing processes, systems, and services.

The platform consists of four functional layers: 1) Connectivity layer; 2) Orchestration layer; 3) Transformation layer; 4) Data storage layer; capable of handling hundreds of Tera-bytes of data and millions of daily events and transactions.

SMH comes in two versions: Standard and Enterprise

The standard edition includes the full EAI capabilities and a small database. While the Enterprise edition, in addition to the capability of the Standard edition, includes a persistent big data database with transformation, aggregation, semiconductor analytics capabilities, and pre-built applications for SAP S4 HANA like product costing, yield analytics, WIP management, and Lot Genealogy.

Enterprise Capabilities:

  • Simplification of business processes, information systems, into a common platform
  • Closed loop business processes with greater visibility across the supply chain
  • A common logical model for Product / Assets supporting next generation E2E scenarios
  • Extend business process, logic, and data to the manufacturing edge
  • Semantic data model for standard pre-packaged content ready for consumption
  • Derive business, product, and service insights from manufacturing that result in improved throughput, yield, test efficiency, asset management, factory planning, new product introduction, total time to market. etc.

Semiconductor Applications built on top of Sapience Manufacturing Hub:

  1. Operation product costing (consumption based)
  2. Cost of yield analytics (impact of yield loss)
  3. Lot Genealogy (order and part traceability)
  4. Lot Containment (quality shield)
  5. Return material authorization (RMA)
  6. Sustainability

Business benefits from Implementing Sapience Manufacturing Hub:

  • Improve profitability with accurate operational cost in-sight, analysis, and efficiency by 1-2%
  • Improve batch traceability/lot genealogy management and efficiency for improved quality control and supply chain management by 20-40%
  • Improve product throughput, WIP management, and customer on time order delivery 3-5%
  • Manage yield loss impact on revenue & customer orders
  • Dynamic real-time MES/ERP synchronization
  • Improve supply chain security with accurate operational insights and analysis

Learn More about Sapience Manufacturing Hub and view our resources:



Additional Resources:

SAP for High Tech Product Costing for Semiconductor video

Cost of Yield Analytics video

SAP SMH Integration Value Proposition video

SAP Podcast on SMH –  The future of supply chain

SAP App Store